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Tiffany McCall

North East District Co-Cultivator

Pastor Tiffany McCall.webp

Rev. Tiffany Mitchell-McCall is a native of Thomasville Ga. Granddaughter of the late Church planter Mother Mitchell, Hazel Ellis, and Daughter of The Rev. Dr. David D. Mitchell and Kathi Ellis.  Tiffany grew up as a Navy brat traveling the US with her family. Tiffany is a graduate of Southern Illinois University of Carbondale with a BS degree in Workforce Education and Curriculum design. She is also a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology and Spiritual Formation. Currently, Tiffany is the senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church in downtown Jacksonville.

Rev. McCall is married to Troy McCall and has three beautiful children Shakeria, Troy Jr., and Trinity. Her passion is people, learning, serving, dancing, gardening, and sharing the love of God with others.


Rev. McCall has an extensive background in leadership development. In 2001 she took a small school of ten students’ one staff to fifty and five staff in a year. In 2014 she was appointed to a small church with five faithful members in two years they grew to 45.


She is a practitioner of Fresh Expression and a participant in the Exponential Emerging Leader Cohort of 2019. Tiffany has participated in and started serval fresh expressions Bible and Basketball, Bridge Builders Cohort, money mentoring, and dinner church. Prior to the pandemic, she planned to do what we call park and praise which simply put is live outdoor worship in the park and prayer gatherings. During the pandemic FUMC has explored front porch chats and backyard bible studies, Zoom teen talks/bible chats, and Zoom church.


Post-pandemic, Rev. McCall has established Pillars Plus Foundation, Inc. to help connect the church with the community. Currently, Pillars Plus Foundation is working alongside the leadership of First United Methodist as they implement their vision to repurpose their over 12000 square feet education building into “Mother's House” affordable housing for young adults ages 18 to 24 targeting but not limited to students aging out of foster care.


The mission and vision of Pillars Plus Foundation is to connect the pillars of our community together to engage in the work of alleviating human suffering and poverty for the next generation. We envision alleviating human suffering by connecting secular and faith-based sectors in a collaborative initiative to create healthy, holistic, and generative communities. 


Rev. McCall simply has a knack for building bridges and connecting others to God. She is a disciple maker; her greatest desire is to simply walk in the love of Christ and demonstrate love by boldly preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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